Formato: PAL, 16/9
Authored with DVD Studio Pro
Duracion: 91.20 Minutes
Artwork included
Video: MPEG-2, 720 x 576, 16/9, 25 fps
Audio: MP2 Stereo, 48 kHz, 256 kpbs
Data bit: 5,81 Mbps
Menu: si
Setlist:01. Hurts Like Heaven
02. Yellow
03. In My Place
04. Major Minus
05. Lost!
06. The Scientist
07. Shiver
08. Violet Hill
09. God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
10. Everything’s Not Lost
11. Us Against the World
12. Politik
13. Viva La Vida
14. Charlie Brown
15. Life Is For Living
16. Clocks
17. Wonderful World
18. Fix You
19. Every Teardrop is a Waterfall
"Todos Los Links son Intecambiables, Links de 500 Mb, Total Links: 8 "

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